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market header
Many of my upcoming blog posts will focus on foods I purchased during the Farmers Market season! I froze ingredients with plans to use them during the off-season months. I love adding that 'sunshine' to my cold weather menus!

Luke Chapter 17 - Show your Thanks

Chapter 17

Chapter 17 is a little easier to understand than the last one!  Jesus tells his disciples that they will be offended by other people, but that they need to be forgiving.  He explains that the one who creates the stumbling block or levies the offence is the one who needs to be concerned.  Jesus tells them that if their brother sins against them seven times and he repents seven times … that they need to be forgiving seven times. 

Realizing how difficult this level of loving forgiveness is, the Disciples ask for increased faith.  Jesus reminds them that faith the size of a mustard seed is enough … Remember that from a previous chapter?  It multiplies.

Jesus also tells His followers that serving God does not give them the right to hold themselves above those who don’t serve.  He explains that we should be thankful that we are given the opportunity to serve.

Additional text about giving thanks describes the fact that Jesus healed ten lepers and only one of them turned and offered praise and thanks.  He reminds us again to be thankful.

The Pharisees, as usual, are watching Jesus and quizzing Him.  They want to know when the Kingdom of God is coming.  Jesus tells them that the Kingdom of God is right there, in their midst.
Then Jesus talks with his followers about His Second coming.  He describes that it will be a surprise, it cannot be predicted by signs.  He reminds them that they best way they can be prepared is to simply always be prepared.

Let’s Cook!

Reading is always more fun when you have a cup of coffee and a snack.  Luke has kept me reading quite a bit in the past two weeks, so I'm sharing my favorite recipe for scones ... in case you need a snack.  Follow this link   Orange Scones

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Mary Queen of Scots Dinner Menu Booklet

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