I love flowers ... all kinds of real flowers ... and I love silk flowers! My daughter and I went on another one of those junkin' jaunts and I found a big basket of brand new silk flowers ... still in their packages, so I grabbed anything I thought I would use. This bundle of tiny flowers had several colors that I've needed recently and not been able to find at my regular silk flower haunts, so I got lucky!
I've moved all my ceramic owls to the back deck for summer. That's a post you'll see later, but I thought "Say no Evil" had a spot on the brunch table I was putting together! Friends gathered for brunch should never gossip.

Before I show you the other elements of the Centerpiece, take a look at the overall table ... and my dog's rear end! He is usually under my feet, but always manages to get in pictures. It is never his face ... just his butt!

I tucked the flowers in a couple decorator items from Pfaltzgraff's Napoli pattern.
Aren't these blue and white napkins adorable? I bought them at a cute little shop in my hometown, Murphysboro, Illinois. I'm thrilled that there are a few new shops in my favorite little town. The pig came in my Mother's Day basket and it is really a bag clip ... but I love it so much I might just wear it as jewelry! I got the pink doilies in another little shop. I can almost never pass up a reasonably priced handmade doily!
I used some of my old Noritake Perspective wine glasses as a juice glass for my brunch. The wine glasses of old ... are almost too small to use for wine, now. I guess we drink bigger servings, but it is perfect for a cordial or juice. The latte mug and luncheon plate are Pfaltzgraff Napoli and the flatware is plastic from the Hampton Forge ... nothing expensive. The rim of the Napoli pattern isn't really pink and isn't really salmon in color ... so I decided my pinks were perfect! When is pink not perfect?
I'm going to share my post with lots of parties, this week. Before you move on, though, make sure you check out my home page to see my other posts. If you didn't see my wedding china post last week, you'll want to look at it and read the story about my husband's mother and grandmother.
Then go visit ...
The Dedicated House for Make It Pretty Monday
Between Naps On The Porch for Metamorphosis Monday
Rain on a Tin Roof for Give Me The Goods Monday
Our Home Away From Home for Tuesdays @ Our Home
Thrifty Thursday at Living Well Spending Less