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market header
Many of my upcoming blog posts will focus on foods I purchased during the Farmers Market season! I froze ingredients with plans to use them during the off-season months. I love adding that 'sunshine' to my cold weather menus!

Luke: Chapter 11 - Let's Pray

This chapter begins with Jesus praying.  The Disciples asked him to teach them how to pray.  Christ’s prayers were powerful, and it was obvious.

At this point, we learn the Lord’s Prayer.  More to come on this topic!

It is in this chapter that we begin to see accusations toward Jesus from the scribes and the Pharisees.  They questioned his abilities to cast out demons and suggested that he was of Satan when he did that and not of God.  Jesus made it clear that he was battling Satan every time he battled a demon.  Jesus was stronger than Satan.

The Pharisees are finding all kinds of things to accuse Jesus of doing … or not doing.  Many of those accusations were based upon ancient rules Jesus had answers for all their grievances, and that just made them angrier.  What we are seeing here is the beginning of the end, so to speak, of Christ’s ministry on earth.  As sad or frightening as it seems, it was all determined at the beginning of time.  These happenings were discussed in Old Testament texts, and it was all meant to be.

Back to the topic of the Lord’s Prayer.  Jesus didn’t teach his Disciples exactly how to pray, but He did teach them how to pray.  It was important for them to know how to talk to God.  Among the specifics:  Jesus told them to use the word “Father”, because we have that special relationship with God.  Old Testament texts don’t suggest that we can be that intimate.  We are to ask for forgiveness, as we acknowledge that we will forgive others.  We are to ask to be spared from temptation. 

My take-away from this chapter is all about prayer.  I believe in prayer and I believe in the power of groups of people praying for the same thing.  I have experienced the positive impact of that kind of prayer.

I had an experience not long ago that reminded me of why I pray the way I pray.  I accidentally walked up to a couple in the dining room of our nursing facility … to deliver their iced tea.  I walked up as they were praying, and I interrupted them.   I apologized, grabbed their hands and said that I’d join them in their prayer.  I prayed, and I talk to God like he was sitting at the table with them!  I pray in a simple way, and later a nursing assistant came up to me and told me she liked the way I prayed!  I laughed and told her that if we make prayer complicated, nobody will want to pray!

When my granddaughter was attending Catholic school, she was learning about prayer.  When I prayed before one of our meals, she told me she liked the way I pray!  That is because I pray so a child can understand, and I learned that from my father.  He believed that using “grandiose” words and long, drawn out prayers was totally unnecessary and inappropriate. I explained to Phoebe that all we have to do when we pray is be sincere, have a real purpose and talk to God ... don't talk for the people that can hear us.   Simple people use simple words. Talk to God just like you are talking to a friend … the friend that God is.

Let’s Cook!

One of my blogging friends posts a monthly blog about her Rosary Prayer Brunch.  I love the concept of doing that.  So, I’m sharing a brunch post with you, but you can also search my blog for "brunch" and find lots of other menus, pictures and recipes.

February's Family Sunday Dinner

Christmas 2020

Mary Queen of Scots Dinner Menu Booklet

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Grandma Debbie's Christmas 2018

Grandma's Blue & Green Pupkins!

Autumn at Grandma Debbie's