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Many of my upcoming blog posts will focus on foods I purchased during the Farmers Market season! I froze ingredients with plans to use them during the off-season months. I love adding that 'sunshine' to my cold weather menus!

Friendship Bread Starter for Pizza Crust

I'm going to direct you to my daughter's blog to see her post on our recent PIZZA NIGHT!   She shares her quick pizza sauce recipe and has great pictures!  Just click through this link.

Phoebe Makes Pizza!

I love using my Friendship Bread starter for things not typically thought of.  It makes incredible pizza crust.  Just click my Friendship Bread menu button and you'll find the original starter recipe, as well as, lots of ways to use it.  Don't think that all it makes is a loaf of bread ... I use it for lots of things and I frequently put the dough in the bread machine to bake.

Miss Phoebe helped make this pizza ... and she might be the only child I've ever seen lick the bowl that the sauce was mixed up in!   She also gave her daddy a little lecture about mushrooms ... and how he should adjust his ways and learn to like them because they are healthy for us!    Daddy has a few dislikes where food is concerned ... and she usually follows his lead ... but not on this night!

February's Family Sunday Dinner

Christmas 2020

Mary Queen of Scots Dinner Menu Booklet

Grandma Debbie's Christmas 2018

Grandma's Blue & Green Pupkins!

Autumn at Grandma Debbie's