Holiday Meals

Holiday Meals

Memories in Pink!

I've been enjoying some memories, lately ... and wanted
to share some things that prompted them.
I'm posting with Potpourri Friday The Friday Party and
Pink Saturday!   Make sure you click through to the parties
to see all the other posts!

None of these things belonged to me as a child, but I would have loved them.  The tatting thread on the right came right out of the sewing chest that we brought from my Mother-in-Law's house 35 years ago.   My husband and I couldn't part with her things after she died and our home is still filled with things like the sewing chest!  She and her mother tatted ... I've never been patient enough to do that!
The first gift of a book I ever received was Little Women and I just picked this up at an antique mall, just because it was pink.

I love the pink book cover ... it is the size of a little New Testament ... and I can't find mine ... but I'll dig it out and give it this new/old cover.  I think the tatting on the edge is precious and I can just see a 1950s little girl carrying it to Sunday School!   The Salt & Pepper girls in prayer are Lefton ... My favorite aunt collected Lefton!   

Old Rosie could have  come right out of the library at Lincoln Elementary School in Murphysboro, Illinois!  Lincoln was just two blocks from our house and we 
walked to and from ... and always home for lunch, too!   

I had a pony that nobody understood!  Powwow, a most politically incorrect name today, had been a carnival pony and all he really knew how to do was walk in circles!  He had always worn a bridle that had blinders on it and when my daddy put a normal bridle on him ... and me on his back ... he threw me off in seconds.  I ended up under the pony;  Daddy got down on the ground to get me and was laughing so hard that he couldn't talk.  Know what he did?  He put me right back on that pony and made him behave ... me in tears ... and Daddy laughing the whole time.

I'm launching a new blog party on March 25th.  
Check out Merriment Making Mondays!  
I've made it easy to participate!  Help me spread the word.

February's Family Sunday Dinner

Christmas 2020

Mary Queen of Scots Dinner Menu Booklet

Grandma Debbie's Christmas 2018

Grandma's Blue & Green Pupkins!

Autumn at Grandma Debbie's