I'm so excited about the Heart of the Home party ... not to show you my kitchen, but to see yours! I'm planning a giant "rip out" for next spring and still haven't decided what kind of new cabinets I want. Maybe I'll find just the right style in one of your posts!
Thanks to our hostess, Sheila ... for coming up with this great idea. Make sure you jump over to her site to visit all the party-goers. You can click right through her button on the left of my post.
I decided to show you my little kitchen table ... not for the table but for the shelves above it. Truth is, we eat in the sunroom, in front of the television and on the back deck almost all the time. Empty nesters that we are ... we don't have those rules about "no meals in front of the television" for ourselves! But our kitchen spot is pretty special. The little octogon table (that has 2 leaves to make it 90 inches long) was a game table in our first house, so we've had it 35 years! It has hosted lots of card parties, held every board game that was popular in those 35 years, handled lots of homework ... craft projects ... and cooking projects. It gets used for photo shoots ... we do eat on it sometimes ... and Miss Phoebe loves to open up her giant coloring books on it! It is the one place where we can scribble crayola, spill glue and sprinkle extra glitter! It has handled everything!

Nomatter what is going on on this table, Phoebe's red snack can is always there ... filled with something her mother probably wouldn't like for her to eat! I love being the grandmother. The next collage is our Autumn 2009 shelf decor ... you'll see this year in a future post!
The next collage is the old table dressed up for some photo shoots for my tourism magazine. Hope you've all subscribed to our free magazine, Food, Fun & Folks. All you have to do is call 800-526-1500 and tell the girls you'd like to be on the list. Leave us your mailing address ... or email Devon at cctb2@neondsl.com There are no strings attached ... It is a free tourism promotional piece and I know you'd love it.
Sometimes our table is all cluttered ... sometimes it is set for company! Three things remain constant on the shelves ... the pig picture that my sister gave to me ... the washboard that was in my mother-in-law's bathroom (she would be 100 this year ... she washed all her undies in the bathroom sink by hand ... on that board!) ... and the camel back clock you see in this post. That clock is not antique ... but my house is filled with antique clocks from my daddy's collection! He loved to hear them chime.
Here we are all dressed up for Christmas last year ... with the putz houses on the shelves! I hosted the appetizer course for the Women's Club progressive dinner ... This was the first table they stopped at ... for shrimp cocktail. Like the way I used the old cocktail shaker and glasses on the stand. Truth is ... the lid is stuck on the shaker ... so I can't really use it for cocktails!
Big Daddy and I want everybody to feel as comfortable in our home ... as they do in their own ... so we try to make several "heart" spots in our home ... but the old kitchen table and the shelves above it could really tell some stories! Hope you enjoy!