This is one of the salads that I'm featuring in my new summertime cookbook. It will be available soon, but I'm going to share this very easy recipe!
Peach & Tomato Salad
This composed salad couldn’t be much easier to make! In Southern Illinois, peaches come into season at the same time that there is a huge abundance of fresh tomatoes! Combining the two in a colorful salad just seems natural. The dressing is simple, too! Mix ¼ cup of white balsamic vinegar with ¼ cup of grapeseed oil and blend well. Add a sprinkle of sugar, a dash of salt and a grind of peppercorns!
Compose the salad of wedges of tomatoes and peaches with tender buds of your favorite lettuce variety. You can also just place them on a bed of lettuce … or use no lettuce at all! Add a few wedges of a nutty flavored medium texture cheese like Gruyere and drizzle lightly with the dressing. Beautiful, flavorful and easy!