This is the time of year when I really start craving comfort food and for me ... they are SOUTHERN comfort foods! I'm in Southern Illinois, just a couple hours from Nashville, Tennessee ... so we are Southern in lots of ways! I learned long ago as I traveled the small towns along the Mississippi River when I was on a federal commission ... that folks who live along the river all cook alike. It doesn't matter where you live ... so maybe I should call this post
"Mississippi River Comfort Food"!
My CSA college students had beautiful green tomatoes at their market stand today. I bought a few and decided to combine them with some of the wonderful salad greens that were in my bag! I added a couple other things I love more in the fall than at other times ... pork sausage ... and goat cheese encrusted with dried cranberries and walnuts. This may look time consuming and complicated, but it is not!

Get organized and follow some logical steps, and you'll have this entree salad done in less than 30 minutes.
I sliced my green tomatoes while I was browning some little sausage patties. By the time the sausage was done, I had dredged the tomato slices first in egg wash, then in corn meal. They were ready to fry in the same skillet, as I took the sausage out.
While the tomatoes fried gently in a little additional oil, I sliced the goat cheese log and got the pieces ready to coat with chopped walnuts & washed the salad greens! Out came the tomatoes, in went the salad greens to wilt.
I drizzled a tiny bit of balsamic over them and dropped them into the plate. Then I dipped the cheese in the chopped nuts and placed them in the same skillet. I didn't turn them, just toasted them on the nutty side. I plated the salad and topped it finally with a handful of fresh microgreens.

Here's a tip I like to share! Save the lids to the parmesan cheese containers. They fit quart jars perfectly and make it easy to store and sprinkle things like corn meal! I also save refrigerated coffee creamer containers ... take the wrapping off of them. They make perfect shapes to cover with quilt batting for snow men!!! They also make perfect containers to store candy or snacks that will pour through the spout.
Hope you enjoyed a little Southern Comfort Food! I'll be sharing with a couple blog parties listed in my sidebar, so make sure you take a look!