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Many of my upcoming blog posts will focus on foods I purchased during the Farmers Market season! I froze ingredients with plans to use them during the off-season months. I love adding that 'sunshine' to my cold weather menus!

Outdoor Wednesday - Herbs

I'm participating in the Outdoor Wednesday linky party this week, so make sure you click through to visit the other posts!

I've decided to plant my "little pot garden" a little differently this year.  I usually plant my herbs in window boxes, but an inland hurricane a couple years ago blew down one of our big trees, so the sun hits those window boxes longer now ... and they dry out more than my herbs like.  So, I'm planting in small pots ... so I can move them around to find the right amount of sunshine ... and so I can take them inside for winter.  I might be able to keep them growing in the sunroom ... although I'm not too good at that!   I might be calling "help" in January when they begin to die on me!

I think the red pots look great on the baker's rack that I use on the back deck.  I've had the metal signs for years and the older they get, the more I like them.  The rabbits are filled with citronella candles ... found them at TJMaxx.   Enjoy Easter Week!  The rabbits just keep appearing at our house!

February's Family Sunday Dinner

Christmas 2020

Mary Queen of Scots Dinner Menu Booklet

Grandma Debbie's Christmas 2018

Grandma's Blue & Green Pupkins!

Autumn at Grandma Debbie's